Virtual Models

2D Coordinate Systems, Box Ratio

Fractal Staircase

Default coordinate system with constrained scaling

Default coordinate system in MuPAD with default rulers. MuPAD plot uses parameters:



Image obtained in MuPAD.


The same model in JavaView. 

Note: the xvc2jvx does not handle ticks and bounding box correctly. Instead of producing ticks in the same manner like in MuPAD it generates JVD file with Auto Bounds and Auto Ticks switched ON.

I suppose, this not very important problem and it can be easily corrected in JavaView (see below).


MuPAD graphics converted to JavaView and modified. Modifications include: adding antialias to the scene (Display), turning off Auto Bounds and Auto Ticks (Axes). Ticks on the y-axis, as well as ruler of x-axis were adjusted to match MuPAD plot.

COMMENT: in JavaView we do not have all types of shading that we have in MuPAD. Therefore, the all fill patterns are represented as solid color (lighter than the original). We can gain more control and get similar effects by using solid fills with some transparency.

©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 7/10/2005)