Virtual Models

2D Coordinate Systems, Box Ratio

Fractal Staircase

Coordinate system using ticks distance

Plot uses parameters:



Image obtained in MuPAD.


The same model in JavaView. 

Comment: this example shows something important. In MuPAD plot I declared distance between ticks. However, these distances were not converted to JavaView. I suppose that in situation where we do not declare ticks it might be difficult or impossible to extract information about them. However, when we declare them explicitly, it should be possible write them into JavaView file.  Any way, this is something that MuPAD users should remember - adjust manually ticks and coordinate axes rulers after converting MuPAD model to JavaView.


MuPAD graphics converted to JavaView and modified. Modifications include: adding antialias to the scene (Display), adjusting ticks and rulers on axes.

©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 7/10/2005)