Virtual Models

2D Coordinate Systems, Box Ratio

Fractal Staircase

Difficult plot with vertical asymptotes

Plot uses parameters:



Image obtained in MuPAD.


The same model in JavaView. 

COMMENT: the JVD file was produced with wrong camera clipping:
<range type="Y">-56.2531 589.287</range>
Therefore obtained JavaView plot is wrong.


MuPAD graphics converted to JavaView and modified. Modifications include: adding antialias to the scene (Display), turning off auto bounds and auto ticks (Axes). The ruler as well as ticks of both axes were adjusted to match MuPAD plot, finally camera clipping was adjusted to remove the wrong vertical clipping.

©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 7/10/2005)