Virtual Models

2D Animation

Fractal Staircase

Basic animation

This is first and the most basic example of animation created in MuPAD and transformed into JavaView animation. The animation was obtained with default parameters:


MuPAD produced animation with 21 frames, 10 seconds long. The file was saved as anim01.xvc. Then utility xvc2jvx was used with -f 2 parameter. This way 21 jvx files was created: anim01.1.jvx, anim01.2.jvx, ..., anim01.21.jvx. The jvd file was saved directly from MuPAD.

NOTE: at the time of developing this model MuPAD does not save directly jvx files for animation. It will save only one jvx file representing current view of the graphics.

MuPAD animation in Flash


The anim01.*.jvx files created by utility xvc2jvx were used as keyframes for JavaView animation. JavaView applet uses default parameters with

<param name=Animation.firstKey value=1>
<param name=Animation.lastKey value=21>
<param name="Animation.framesPerSecond" value=12>



Copyright © 2005, Miroslaw Majewski (last update 21/11/2005)