Virtual Models

MuPAD Solid Primitives and Polyhedra

Fractal Staircase

SurfaceSet Class, MeshListType=TriangleStrip

The SurfaceSet class is a very flexible tool for creating complex 3D objects polygon-based. In this and next examples we show examples created using SurfaceSet with various organization of mesh.


Image obtained in MuPAD. We use here SurfaceSet class with MeshListType=TriangleStrip.

Numbers show the order of points in the SurfaceSet declaration. Data for SurfaceSet were declared as a list of point coordinates. The blue points were added separately and these are not a part of the created SurfaceSet. Finally labels for points were created using plot::Text3d.


The same model in JavaView. 

Copyright © 2005, Miroslaw Majewski (last update 6/11/2005)