Virtual Models

Discrete 2D Objects and Data Plots

Fractal Staircase

Random points with transparency

Points were defined with random size, colors and transparency. In MuPAD there is no transparency for 2D objects. However, we can define objects with transparency. In JavaView we have transparency of 2D objects. I suppose, that in the future we may expect transparency of 2D graphics in MuPAD. Therefore, it is worth to remember about transparency of 2D objects (even if it does not exist at the moment in MuPAD).


Image obtained in MuPAD. This image shows random points with random colors and random transparency.


The same model in JavaView.  The transparency of points is quite nice feature and can be used in many geometric patterns.

©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 4/10/2005)