Virtual Models

Discrete 2D Objects and Data Plots

Fractal staircase


In this section we examine selected 2D classes from MuPAD and a number of plot classes used to plot data. The main objective of this section is to check how specific features of 2D classes will be transformed to JavaView. One of them is transparency declared by users for 2D plots. MuPAD does not display transparency of 2D objects. However, we can still declare it and expect to see in JavaView. Another important feature are types of shading declared for 2D closed shapes. In MuPAD we can use linear patterns to cover a closed area, see for example box plot. In JavaView this type of shading is not available. Therefore, all linear shading patterns will be transformed into a solid fill. We have to investigate this issue and see how this may influence some complex plots?

MuPAD 2D objects

  1. Random points with transparency
  2. Random lines with transparency
  3. Random lines without transparency
  4. Lines and points
  5. Polygons and transparency
  6. Polygons without transparency
  7. Rectangle, circle and ellipse with transparency
  8. Rectangle, circle and ellipse without transparency
  9. Arcs
  10. Arrows
  11. Turtle graphics
  12. L-systems

Data plots 2D

  1. Bars, no shadow
  2. Bars, with shadow
  3. Bars horizontal
  4. Piechart
  5. Box plot
  6. Histogram
  7. Scatter plot
  8. Density plot
  9. Raster plot (red-blue)
  10. Raster plot (red-blue-1/2 green)
  11. Raster plot (red-blue-full green)
©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 4/10/2005)