Virtual Models

Discrete 2D Objects and Data Plots

Fractal Staircase

Lines and points

In this example we have 2 points and 4 lines. Points were declared separately as Point2d objects. Finally, in the plot command I placed them last to have them on top layer. The order of elements is following: red line (bottom), blue line, green line, yellow line, two points (on top). We are checking how order of creation of objects in MuPAD is preserved while transforming into JavaView.


Image obtained in MuPAD.


The same model in JavaView.  Observe, in JavaView the 'enable sorting' option is turned OFF. Otherwise, JavaView will display the red line on top of the green line.

COMMENT: Perhaps we need in JavaView an option to change the order of objects (layers) on the computer screen.

©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 4/10/2005)