Virtual Models

Discrete 2D Objects and Data Plots

Fractal Staircase

Box plot

In MuPAD we have a number of types of shading. In JavaView we have only one type of shading that matches solid shading in MuPAD. In order to simulate shading different than solid we use lighter color (see the JavaView model below).

The problem of different types of shading can be also solved using transparency. In JavaView we have transparency for 2D graphics that, at the moment, is missing in MuPAD. Therefore, we can translate shading from MuPAD to a transparency in JavaView. We get quite different pictures but functionally results are the same.


Image obtained in MuPAD.


The same model in JavaView. The linear shading from MuPAD was transformed into lighter color in JavaView.  

©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 4/10/2005)