Virtual Models

Discrete 3D objects and presentation graphics

Fractal Staircase

Bars3d with gaps between bars

In this example I show the Bars3D plot with 0.2 unit gap between bars.


Image obtained in MuPAD.

Note: MuPAD by default does not create coordinate system axes for Bars3D. I added them using in the last plot statement Axes=Boxed. The gap between bars was created using XGap=0.2, and YGap=0.2 parameters in Bars3D declaration.


The same model in JavaView.  Both images look identical.

In JavaView, in Display panel I added Antialias and Z-buffer turned ON. This makes perfect match between both images.

© Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 18/11/2005)