Virtual Models

MuPAD Classes Representing 3D Surfaces

Fractal Staircase

Class Function3d

Class Function3d is the most fundamental class for producing graphs of functions of two variables. JavaView models obtained by transforming Function3d plots are identical with images that we produce in MuPAD.


Image obtained in MuPAD. The plot was obtained by using Shading=Flat. This time the surface is represented by flat patches, usually triangles.


The same model in JavaView.  We obtain a very similar model to that from MuPAD. There is one thing that is wrong. In the output from xvc2jvx the Z-buffer is turned off. This produces unexpected holes or missing mesh lines in this model. This bug can be fixed by turing on Z-buffer by hand in JavaView (Display panel).


Copyright © Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 1/11/2005)