Virtual Models

MuPAD Classes Representing 3D Surfaces

Fractal staircase


In this section we explore MuPAD 3D classes that are described by a formula. In most of enclosed examples antialiasing was added in order to get smooth graphs. In some examples the number of lights was reduced to make manipulation of objects faster, in some other examples intensity of lights was adjusted to produce better results. The major objective of this section is to show how MuPAD 3D classes represented by a formula are transformed into JavaView models.


  1. Class Function3d, plot using default parameters
  2. Class Function3D with partial mesh
  3. Class Function3D with partial mesh
  4. Class Function3d without visible mesh
  5. Class Function3d with flat shading
  6. Class Function3d with function as a procedure
  7. Class Surface, the Klein Bottle example
  8. Class Surface, the Enneper Surface example
  9. Class Surface, the Enneper Surface example with flat shading
  10. Class Spherical plot, the Umbrella Surface example
  11. Class Cylindrical plot
  12. Class Implicit3d plot
  13. Class Implicit3d plot with smooth shading and visible mesh
  14. Class Implicit3d plot, Richmond Surface example
  15. Class Implicit3D plot with visible mesh, Richmond Surface example
  16. Class Curve3d
  17. Class Tube
Copyright ©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 1/11/2005)