Virtual Models

MuPAD Classes Representing 3D Surfaces

Fractal Staircase

Class Surface

Class Surface represents 3D plots obtained from parametric equations. This class gives us a great flexibility and opportunity for developing a number of very interesting plots.

In this example we show Enneper surface.


Image obtained in MuPAD. This time we use flat shading.


The same model in JavaView. The flat shading from MuPAD was transformed into flat patches in JavaView. They doesn't look exactly the same as in MuPAD, however, the concept is similar.

NOTE: the xvc2jvx produced the display, JVD, file with Z-buffer turned off. This may result is some unexpected effects.

Copyright © Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 1/11/2005)