Virtual Models

3D Coordinate Systems, Box Ratio

Fractal Staircase

Clipping objects

MuPAD uses ClippingBox to cut off parts of the graph that are outside of boundaries of a given box. This feature can be translated to JavaView (at least partially, see below) by defining appropriate clipping view by the camera. The result is slightly different. However, I wonder if in JavaView clipping camera can be done in such a way that coordinate system will not be affected. This would solve a number of problems with disappearing parts of axes or numbers on axes rulers, etc.


Image obtained in MuPAD.


The same model in JavaView.  The ClippingBox was not transformed into JavaView.


MuPAD graphics converted to JavaView and modified. Modifications include: adding antialias to the scene (Display), turning ON Scene Clipping (Camera panel), turning off auto bounds and auto ticks (Axes), adjusting ranges and units of selected axes. The JVD file was modified and saved from JavaView. 

©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 14/11/2005)