Virtual Models

Lights in MuPAD and JavaView

Fractal Staircase

Default lights in MuPAD

On this page default lights in MuPAD are investigated. Some modifications are suggested. For all examples on this page a white parametric surface is used. This way, we may see better interaction of lights with the surface.


The original image developed in MuPAD. The image was created using 6 point lights and one ambient light.


MuPAD graphics converted to JavaView without any modifications.


MuPAD graphics converted to JavaView and modified. Modifications include: adding antialias to the scene (menu Display), turning off auto bounds and auto ticks (menu Axes). Ticks on the y-axis, as well as ruller of x-axis were adjusted to match MuPAD plot. The final file was saved from JavaView. All lights created in MuPAD were left without any changes. The final scene looks exactly the same like in MuPAD. However, the large number of lights may slow down model manipulation in complex scenes.


©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 22/09/2005)