Virtual Models

Lights in MuPAD and JavaView

Fractal Staircase

Parametric surface with distant/direction light

This model shows how distant light from MuPAD was transformed into a direction light in JavaView. The obtained JavaView picture is a bit dull. This can be fixed by adding an ambient light with intensity 0.1 - 0.2.

Observe, by default, direction light in JavaView is bidirectional, i.e. falls from two opposite directions along the given vector. This can be easily changed using half-sphere shading (see far below).


The original image developed in MuPAD. The scene uses three distant lights: red, green and blue.


The same model in JavaView. Distant lights from MuPAD were transformed into direction lights in JavaView. Lights positions and intensity are identical in MuPAD and JavaView. The scene looks a bit dull.


The same model with minor improvements. Antialiasing was used. The scene does not look exactly the same like in MuPAD. The main reason is that in JavaView direction lights are bidirectional, while in MuPAD distant lights fall from a single direction.



The same model with half-sphere shading and an ambient light (intensity 0.2) added. The final scene is identical like this obtained in MuPAD.

©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 26/09/2005)