Virtual Models

Lights in MuPAD and JavaView

Fractal Staircase

Parametric surface with point light

By default the point light in JavaView has the highlight ON. In some situations, like here, the highlight spot might be too large. In the bottom picture the highlight was left on, but its size was changed from 10 to 20 producing this way larger and softer highlight spot. Moreover, by default in JavaView the point light is bidirectional. In the bottom picture the shading was changed to half-sphere.


MuPAD image obtained using three point lights.


The same model converted to JavaView without any improvements.


The same model in JavaView using JavaView point lights with some minor improvements. The bi-directional shading of each light was changed to half-sphere.


©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 26/09/2005)