Virtual Models

Lights in MuPAD and JavaView

Fractal Staircase

White sphere with default MuPAD lights

Sphere is another type of MuPAD object. It contains a number of polygons but edges of these polygons are hidden. Therefore, sphere interacts with light in a bit different way than a box or a parametric surface.


Image obtained in MuPAD using default lights.


The same model converted to JavaView without any improvements. A major problem of this model is visible equator of the sphere. This is the internal boundary where top and bottom values of one of the the sphere equation parameters meet.


The same model with JavaView default lights plus one ambient light (0.2). NOTE: the model was loaded to JavaView and using Method>Modeling>Identify Vertices I removed the internal boundary. This way I was able to remove the equator  of the sphere.


©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 29/09/2005)