Virtual Models

Selected 2D plot classes from MuPAD

Fractal staircase


In this section there are examples of 2D plot objects that are represented by a formula. I guess, this section could have more examples, but this can wait to another opportunity. The 2D plot classes do not bring any problems while transforming them from MuPAD to JavaView.


  1. Class Function2d
  2. Class Function2d (multiple functions)
  3. Class Curve2d
  4. Class Polar
  5. Class Implicit2d
  6. Class Implicit2d (plot with contours)

Shading areas

  1. Hatch example 1
  2. Hatch example 2
  3. Inequality
©2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 22/09/2005)