Virtual Models

MuPAD Graphics & JavaView

Fractal staircase

Known bugs

Most of the bugs found during this project development were fixed as soon as it was possible. However, some of them, due to time constrains or their specific nature, may remain for longer time. In the list below I show only those bugs that were not fixed until the date when the web site was last time updated.

COMMENT: the enclosed list is highly subjective, things that I consider as bugs may not be considered as bugs by my colleagues.

List of bugs (known at 29/09/2005)

  1. Spot lights produced in MuPAD are too dark >>> | >>>
  2. Show depth in JavaView produces too dark image >>>
  3. JavaView shows hidden edges of polygons of transparent objects >>>
  4. xvc2jvx does not produce the same ticks and rulers like in the original MuPAD plot >>> | >>> (check all examples in the 2D coordinates section)
  5. xvc2jvx does not write the width and height of a MuPAD graph into JVD file. While loading such file into JavaView we open it with JavaView default window dimensions or dimensions of the last edited JVD file.
  6. xvc2jvx produces wrong camera clipping parameters >>>
  7. xvc2jvx transforms ViewingBox parameters into wrong camera clipping parameters>>> | >>>
  8. xvc2jvx converts frame axes in MuPAD into cornered axes in JavaView. The frame axes should be transformed into bounding box axes. >>>
  9. The bounding box from MuPAD is not transformed into JavaView. In my opinion the bounding box from MuPAD should be transformed into Camera Clipping in JavaView. >>>
  10. MuPAD does not display properly large points in 3D. >>>
  11. xvc2jvx does not transform planes into any JavaView objects. >>>
  12. While transforming models with multiple objects, e.g. boxes, rectangles in 3D, etc. the Z-buffer should be turned ON. This does not happen while transfroming Bars3d to JavaView. >>>
  13. While converting Implicit3D plots to JavaView, xvc2jvx changes the smooth shading into flat shading. This produces much worse result. >>> see also >>> .
© 2005 Miroslaw Majewski (created in Sep. 2004, last update 22/09/2005)